Saturday, November 5, 2011

Challenge #4 Create a piece based on children's art

I would like to be reflective and see what emerges but there are no 10-year-old children in my life. So I will have to wait until I can find a kid who would up for a collaboration. Maybe I should just go to the elementary school and steal someone's discarded drawing out of the trash.
Okay. I swiped a drawing. Don't know how old the kid is, maybe 5? 7? But look, it is expressive.Snakes.

My piece "Commune Wedding Party, Summer 2011" depicts an actual event. At the outdoor wedding I had left the main dance tent and was walking to my friend's cabin when I saw children reaching into a gunnysack, pulling out sticks, and throwing them into the air. It was twilight, a bit undeciperable like in Camus' "The Stranger." As I neared the children I could see an odd shape to the "sticks." The kids were throwing black rat snakes into the air!
The whole event spooked me and I went home. The next day when I talked to my wedding friend she said the kids found 23 snakes! Normal rural fun, according to her.
This is my documentation of the event.
Materials: paint, canvas, wood