Sunday, October 16, 2011

Challenge #1 Create art using junky "art" as a jumping off point.

The players were lead into a room of questionable art, then asked to use one piece as an inspiration for a piece of your own.
I will choose the Santa painting since that is one that was not chosen by the others.
The box is a commentary on Christmas. Our society makes Christmas a MAJOR celebration of Capitalism. Although the holiday should be about giving we make it more about getting. The most interesting part of the charade is that we rarely remember what we received last year. I did my own little unscientific study and most people cannot recall any of the gifts-either given or received.
The box represents a present and yes, I am using the traditional colors or red and green-gorgeous complimetaries, if used in a vibrant way. Inside are the gifts-hidden and half-remembered.
Materials: vintage handmade box, glass, text from "Scrooge", Comfort bridle pad for horses, cardboard boxes, fiberfil, aluminum balls